30650 Hwy 95 (1 mile north of) Bartlett, Texas Proceeds benefit many projects of the St John Women of the Church including Local Food Pantries (Holland, Bartlett and Granger). ELCA Hunger Relief, Lutheran World Relief including St. John's LWR Mission Quilts Ministry, Lutheran Social Services, Ronald McDonald House, Foster Love, Nurse Community Partnership, Water Well Project; Hurricane Relief Efforts; Scholarships for St. John Graduating Seniors, and other local needs. Special Projects support provided by Thrivent Action Teams Turkey & Dressing Dinner prepared by church members $15 per plate Drive-thru available 4:30 - 6 pm Country Store-Crafts, Home-Baked and Canned Items; Casseroles Live & Silent Auction-Live Auction starts at 6:00 PM; Hand-made and donated items, including quilts, wreaths, wood projects and more. St John's famous Cream Cheese Braids Limited availability at Fair! Get yours early by pre-order by November 3 - (Pick-up Fri. Nov 8rd)) Call Church Office 254-527-3341 or click here for online order form